Friday, November 2, 2012


I debated the best way to go about this. After seeing your posts about Thailand and Singapore I was very jealous. At first I didnt know how to handle it. But then I thought about when Lauren and I were on our honeymoon. Eight days on the beach in the beautiful Dominican Republic. Everything about it was perfect.
I don't know if I told you this story ever but I think now is a good time. Lauren and I went on a walk up the beach and left our resort. We ended up at a large open air flea market and the store owners were like vultures. They were giving us things and trying to get us to buy stuff. It was crazy. All of the money there was american dollars. Some of them were so dirty and black that you couldn't see anything other than the numbers. ... anyway... as we wandered through the flea market we ended up in this little convenience store. (My memory is starting to fade about this experience so the details are a little fuzzy)

But I remember like it happened yesterday... I looked up on a top shelf and amidst all the weird foods was a bag of "cheese puffs" and a "king size snickers bar" Lauren and I were so hungry for regular food that when we saw commercials our mouths drooled... and so we bought and rationed both of the snacks like we were on an extended everest expedition. I thought about those commercials... and I thought about how jealous I was seeing your thailand pictures. Then I thought it over again.....


... and then I went to get lunch at chick-fil-a. I tried to get the no pickles sticker in the pic as well.

Torture aside, we want to skype with you guys soon. Crusoe has a couple things to show you. And I looked up singapore online... looks like it is the gastro-tourist capital of the world. It has more types of food offerings than NYC. A lot of the weird stuff is supposed to be really good. And trill maybe you can start eating some of the fish and pork. Both of those are completely amazing i'm sure. 

hope all is well tty soon!

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